As his fate was decided, Patrice Lumumba decided to write a letter to his wife, as a token of the promise he had made to himself about his country and his people.
This letter, although keeping a militant tone, reveals the more private side of Lumumba, yet freer still to express what is deep inside him. This story, mainly told in his own words, gives Lumumba back the humanity he was not afforded throughout his career.

It is about understanding the passion that animated his convictions. But above all, it is about seeing the man behind the political emblem, facing a destiny that gradually escapes him.

Genre: Documentary
Running Time: 70 minutes
Director: Patrick Kabeya
Writer/s: Patrick Kabeya and Mina Malu
Narrator: Mina Malu
Language: French
Subtitles: English

A propos du projet

Patrick Kabeya is a Congolese-Canadian award winning Documentary Producer, Screenwriter and Software Programmer currently based in Ottawa, Canada.
Patrick has produced and directed several historical documentary feature films as well as numerous short documentaries mainly on the topic of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
His films includes the feature-length documentaries “From Patrice to Lumumba” (2019) and “Congo – A Political Tragedy” (2018). The short-length film called “Congo – Nature” (2018) as well as the first season of “The Congo: History Series” program, which is a collection of historical short documentaries.
His films have screened in more than 30 international festivals across the globe and received several accolades including “Audience choice Award” and being nominated for the UNESCO Flemish Commission African documentary of the year 2020.
He’s currently putting the finishing touches on his latest film, titled “Greed At The Cost Of Independence”.

Patrick Kabeya est un réalisateur de documentaires, scénariste et informaticien congolais primé, actuellement basé à Ottawa, au Canada.
Patrick a notamment produit et réalisé plusieurs longs métrages documentaires historiques ainsi que de courts métrages documentaires principalement sur le thème de la République démocratique du Congo.
Il a notamment réalisé les longs métrages documentaires “From Patrice to Lumumba” (2019) et “Congo – A Political Tragedy” (2018). Le court-métrage dénommée “Congo – Nature” (2018) ainsi que la première saison du projet “The Congo : History Series”, qui est une collection de courts documentaires historiques.
Ses films ont été projetés dans plus de 30 festivals internationaux à travers le monde et ont reçu plusieurs distinctions, notamment le “Prix du choix du public” et une nomination pour le documentaire africain de l’année 2020 de la Commission Flamande de l’UNESCO.
Il met en ce moment la touche finale à son dernier film, intitulé “Greed At The Cost Of Independence”.